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Projects overview
Compare health of your projects.
Designed to monitor codebases of any size and complexity.
Configure custom categories or use pre-sets.
Visualize tech quality insights.
Detailed trend analysis to track progress.
Categorized insights into the health of the codebase.
Audits page
Audit results at a glance.
Historic trends insights & value changes.
Category detail
Follow trend of the category score.
Fix the most impactful audit issues.
Discover problems that went under the radar.
Category detail
Understand how the category scores are calculated.
Code suggestion
Benefit from actionable suggestions.
See code previews directly from your git repository.
Category detail
Get reports on each of the GIT changes.
See preview of the category scores and all affected audits.
Commits overview
Traverse the commit history.
Quickly identify the changes.

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